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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Farts on a Plane

well, Denzel Washington may have made Snakes on a Plane a scary movie but a real-life tooter made an American Airlines flight rather stinky yesterday. And, in a foiled attempt to mask the odor of her farts, lit a match to camouflage the smell.

Now it doesnt take a frequent flyer to know that lighting matches on a plane is a no-no. Farting on a plane, however, has not yet been outlawed and is something we all have to fly with everyday. If you have to fart, do you hold it in or let it out. Like when Elaine was sitting in the middle seat on that episode of Seinfeld and she reallly had to pee. she had to way the pros and cons of waking the guy up next to her versus possibly peeing all over the seat.

This all brings up a good question...If someone is farting freely and frequently next to you, what is proper anti-fart etiquette? Do you ring for the flight attendant or push the button to release the oxygen mask above you?

While that gets debated lets address a more important issue - what the fuck are matches doing on an airplane? They should join the ranks "no liquids" aboard, as well as no snakes, scorpions and people with really bad B.O.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

War of the Words

Happy 2007 - if you wondered what would be the first big celebrity story of the new year, look no further than the view on your television. The Donald and Rosie have been engaged in mouth to mouth verbal combat for over a week now and more players are being dragged into the game as each day passes.

Conan O'Brien commented on the spectacular fall-out this "he said, she said" brawl has garnered for involved parties' ratings and comically attempted to 'stir it up' with Joy and Elizabeth.

The lines are divided and the teams are picked. If you support Rosie in this ridiculous dispute, show your team spirit with TEAM ROSIE T-shirts and Buttons.